VTE Framework Revision Project

Vocational Technical Education (VTE)

Framework Revision Project

Summer 2019

The Office for College, Career, and Technical Education (OCCTE) will be revising “selected” vocational frameworks during the summer of 2019, during Phase 1 of a multi-year Vocational Technical Education (VTE) Framework Revision Project.  The Department has hired the MA Association of Vocational Administrators (MAVA) as the consultant to oversee Phase 1 of the VTE Framework Revision Project.  MAVA will work in collaboration with the Office for College, Career, and Technical Education.

The following vocational frameworks will be revised during the Summer of 2019:

  1. Automotive Technology
  2. Carpentry
  3. Dental Assisting
  4. Electrical Technology
  5. Health Assisting
  6. Aviation Maintenance Technology (continuation of work)

Teams are currently being formed comprised of Subject Matter Experts, which include vocational technical teachers, academic teachers, counselors and administrators.  SME’s will be chosen based on the identified five vocational frameworks to be revised during the Summer of 2019. 

Please note, OCCTE will continue to collect SME Applications, as this is a multi-year project and additional frameworks will be revised during the September 2019 school year and beyond.  Please continue to submit SME Applications to Lisa Sandler, Lsandler@doe.mass.edu.

Lisa M. Sandler

 Lisa M. Sandler, CAGS
MOA State Coordinator
W 781-338-3956| F 781-338-3950
Office for College, Career, and Technical Education
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
75 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA 02148
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